Comprehensive Vancouver Island Regional Resource Database
Local Area Food Resources - Cowichan, Nanaimo, Parksville, Ladysmith, Port Alberni
- Addictions - A VIU Wellness resource
- Partners in addictions and Mental Health (Canada) - Stories and resources about and for people with addictions and Mental Health issues. Discussion forums and screening tests
- Alcohol Problem and Solutions (USA) - Information on alcohol related issues
- Alcohol Rehab Help (USA) - lot's of useful information on recovery, relapse prevention and related issues
- What's with Weed (Canada) - useful information for many different populations
- Drug Abuse (USA) - Info on street, other drugs and their effects, etc.,
- Food Addicts Anonymous (USA) - Program and support for compulsive overeating behaviours, meetings, literature, stories, information sessions, online magazine
- Alcoholics Anonymous (World Wide) - Resources, meeting finder
- Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
- Narcotics Anonymous (World Wide) - Narcotics Anonymous, Resources, meeting finder
- Daily Strength (USA) - Comprehensive Network on many health and addictions topics
- Four Universal Addictions (USA) - article on destructiveness of intensity, perfectionism, knowledge and focusing on what's not working
- Therapy Tribe Support (USA) - online community of support for a variety of issues including addictions
- Gabor Mate - 12 min. video discusses the link between trauma and addictions
- (Canada) - Dr. Craig Emes, psychiatrist in Victoria, is funded to provide free assessments, Dr.'s referral is required.
- New Ideas (USA) - Information library on ADD and AD with HD.
- ADD (USA) - From people with AD/HD, support, hope, resources, articles, fact sheets, newsletter, conferences, mindfulness workshops; resources, networking, support groups and workshops, starter kit has article on procrastination, section for students on skills needed to help complete studies
- CHADD (USA) - Children and adults with AD/HD. Community network and support, links, and info. All info is professional vetted
- Centre for ADHA Awareness (Canada) - non-profit, provides advocacy across Canada. Info about support groups, coaching and medication
- Edge Foundation (USA) - provides coaching and information for students
- ADD-vance (England) - Q and A about ADD, non-profit to support families
- Totally ADD (Canada) - fun, interactive website, info on managing symptoms, forums
- ADDitude Mag (USA) - has support group for university students, articles, videos, message boards
- Learning Disabilities Online (USA) - leading website on Learning Disabilities. Section on college prep
- Poverty Law advocate (Canada) - advocate at CWAV (Cowichan Women against Violence), for all persons
- Poverty advocate in Cowichan - article in local paper
- What neuroscience can teach us about aging (USA) - Interview with Daniel Levitin
see also Mindfulness Meditations and Health
- Anxiety Canada (Canada) - mobile apps, articles for all age groups, links, and much more
- Breathr (Canada) - Kelty MH - free apps with refreshing meditations, video introducing mindfulness, guided meditations on many topics, including body scans, mindful eating, coping, etc.
- Islandhealth /anxiety-disorders-clinic (Canada) - Groups for anxiety disorders
- Healthy Minds app (Canada) - free apps on problem solving to help cope with stress
- Guided Imagery and Relaxation: Mind Body Lab UTexas (USA) - Guided Imagery and Relaxation
- Social Anxiety (Australia) - Info sheets, and "Shy no longer" workbook - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Panic (Australia) - 12 module workbook, info and additional worksheets - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Anxiety (Australia) - Info sheets on the nature of anxiety, vicious cycles and more - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Health Anxiety (Australia) - 9 module workbook - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- (USA) - Int. OCD Fdtn. Community, livestreams, newsletters, conferences Apps, support for loved ones impacted, training for professionals, recommended reading.
- Automatic Thoughts - video on automatic thoughts that negatively impact our thinking and how to deal with them
- What? Me? Worry? (Australia) - Workbook, info and additional worksheets on Generalised Anxiety - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Living Life to the Full (Scotland) - Includes an online course in Cognitive and Behavioural strategies for anxiety, mood difficulties, motivation, many practical suggestions
- Therapy Tribe Support (USA) - online community of support for a variety of issues including anxiety
- The Healthy Mind Platter/ (USA) Dr. Daniel Siegel - 7 essential daily tasks for healthy neural functioning
- The Wheel of Awareness (USA) - Dr. Daniel Siegel, Guided Meditation to enhance neural functioning
- Emotional Pain is Not a Sickness A VIU Wellness resource
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation A VIU Wellness resource
- How to make stress your ally - Kelly McGonigal - Ted Talk on how stress is useful
- Cams Kids Calm App (Canada) - Free and for pay apps, guided or unguided; also info on all aspects of health care
- Assert Yourself - 10 training modules on assertiveness from the Centre for Clinical Interventions in Australia
- Six tips for speaking up against bad behaviour (USA) - article by Catherine Sanderson
- Low cost assistive technology (Germany) - comprehensive list from Augsburg College
- Stress management - from website above, low costs apps to help cope with stress and anxiety
- VIU Accessibility Services - depending on your disability, assistive technologies may be available to you, guidance to accessing funding and support for establishing accommodations
- Resources for Students with Dyslexia (USA) - Dyslexia is a condition that affects how a person processes words and numbers, which can also impact how they learn.
- Autism Canada - the spectrum, information, resources
- - Autism Community Training. BC resource with links to other resources, training, community events, news; has a manual for dealing with systems in BC like process of diagnosis, the education system, building community support
- (Canada) - pay for assessments and self assessments; articles, blogs, by neurodiverse people to give good information to the public
- Brene Brown - short video on what blame really is
- Peer led support group for people with borderline personality disorder - in Victoria and Nanaimo
- Island Community Counselling - (formerly Island Integrated Counselling) Non-profit here in Nanaimo, that offers free DBT support group. Also offers free DBT support group. Many other services that do have fees
- Overcoming Distress Intolerance (Australia) - 4 modules for coping with Distress better using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Keeping your Balance (Australia) - Workbook and info sheets on Bipolar Disorder, Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Young Adult Cancer Canada - Information, support, projects, skills and community
- (US) - Free online test of using Holland Codes and offering careers that fit with the codes, also can search by how much education and preparation you want to do. Simple and easy to use
- (England) - based on Myers Briggs, 4 polarities on how we are in the world. Extensive information about careers and personality tendencies. Appears to be free
- Personality & Career tests from (USA) - part of the results are free, enneagram, disc profile, 16 personalities, Holland Codes (search for Holland codes).
- (Canada) - quizzes on interests, abilities, work preferences, multiple intelligences, work values & learning styles
- VIA character strengths (USA) - free 15 minute survey. Focuses on positive and with much useful information
- VIU Student Employment - For students, employers, and faculty. The Centre for Experiential Learning provides services on all levels of job readiness preparation and finding jobs
- Career and Education Planning VIU's educational advising page with a lot of useful links for various career planning and preparation
- VIU Career Studio A physical space and virtual hub where students can find career development education, support and resources.
- Education Planner - Shows what programs are here in BC and how to explore them
- Industry Training Authority (BC) - All information about training and apprenticeships, Trades programs A-Z, create your own personal account, resources to answer questions about anything like challenging a trade
- Career Exploration guide for Indigenous People - Work BC, steps to choosing a career, videos of inspiring stories
- Work BC - Careers in BC, steps in choosing a career, labour market outlook, information for minority groups, centres throughout BC
- Blueprint Builder - Create your own account with work BC so you can bring together career exploration, education and funding, and job search resources
- Career Cruising (Canada) - Lists types of vocations and places in North America (primarily BC) that provide these trainings. Username and Password: Malaspina
- What can i do with my Major (Canada) - UBC, excellent list of various degrees and possible professions; My Major Map - Queens University
- Job Hunters Bible (USA) - companion site to great book, "What colour is your parachute?" Holistic approach to self exploration and choosing a career that fits. Articles and videos relevant to finding meaningful work. Has an e course as well
- The Globe and Mail Career Advice (Canada) - many articles on questions related to work, transitions, and business
- Center for Nonviolent Communication (USA) - Marshall Rosenberg - many resources that focus on teaching compassionate communication and understanding
- Street Giraffe - Marshall Rosenberg's Non-Violent Communication; many resources on empathy, getting needs met, how to communicate, trainings, videos
- Effective communication (USA) - Help Guide - tips and strategies to improve communication. related articles and helpful readings as well
- Satir ingredients of an interaction (USA) - Prezi by Ceci Wong, focuses on interactive and internal processing that occurs while interpreting messages
- Brene Brown - short video that captures essence of what empathy is (and isn't)
- Heart Math blog: the heart hears more than just words (USA)
- Don't use authenticity as an excuse to be cruel (USA) - article by Michael Stegger
- Relationships Can Work - VIU resource sheet with relationship tips
- Assertiveness (Australia) - training modules on increasing assertiveness
- The Gottman Institute - Pioneers in Relationship work offer a relationship Blog, books and videos
- Join One Love (USA) - organization dedicated to promoting health and helping us learn about love. Offers signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships
- Dr Sue Johnson: Creating Connections - Pioneer in Relationship work and Bonding Science: Ted Talk, videos, books, and blogs
- Esther Perel (USA) - informative and helpful blogs, workshops and other resources for couples / relationships
- Optimal Sexual Experiences (Canada) - Dedicated to creating positive sexual experiences. Research, blogs, books
- Infidelity - Esther Perel, ted talk on unfolding what happens in affairs and possibilities these hold
- Couple_Rescue_Skill-Builder - Bruce Ecker and Robin Ticic, building 12 essential skills for couples
- Love is respect (USA) - Resources and information about relationships, spectrum of health and abuse, sex, communicating, boundaries, dating and hooking up, teen and LGBBTQ relationships as well
- Satir ingredients of an interaction (USA) - Prezi by Ceci Wong, focuses on interactive and internal processing that occurs while interpreting messages
- Dr. John Gottman - researcher of relationships, 47 minute video on what makes relationships work
- Health Line (USA) - extensive list of potential signs of mental and emotional abuse
- Dial 911 (Ambulance, Fire, Police) and if on campus, call VIU Campus Security - 250-740-6600
- Capacitar (USA) - Internationally developed kit of best practices for natural disaster, chronic stress, and violence
- VI Crisis - helpline, texts and chat; index of all community resources on Vancouver island
- First Nation and Inuit Help Line & Chat 24-7, 1.855.242.3310, culturally competent counsellors, services in English, French, Ojibway, Cree, and Inuktitut
- Youth in BC - for youth 25 > 24 hr suicide 1.800.784.2433; chat, noon - 1 am PST; other mental health #'s
- Crisis Centre Chat - adults 25 +, 24 hr suicide 1.800.784.2433, other mental health #'s; chat noon - 1am Pacific
- Crisis Service Canada - Suicide prevention and support 1.833.456.4566 (24/7)
- text (4546) and chat (2- 10pm Pacific)
- Brooks Landing Walk-in Counselling Clinic (Mental Health and Addictions) M-F, 10am - 6:15pm
- 203-2000 Island Highway North Brooks landing crisis services 250.739.5710
- Haven Society for women who have been sexually assaulted or in situations of domestic violence
- 24 crisis line 1.888.756.0616
- see website for a variety of services Haven Society
- Emotional Pain is Not a Sickness - VIU Wellness resource
- Heads up Guys (Canada) - Many resources and articles for men. Personal stories. How to be a support
- Automatic Thoughts - video on automatic thoughts that negatively impact our thinking and positive ways to cope
- Information and worksheets on Depression & Back from the Bluez (Australia) - Centre for Clinical Interventions with worksheets and the 9 training modules using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Back from the Bluez.
- The Black Dog of Depression - video by WHO on what depression is like and ways to cope
- Therapy Tribe Support (USA) - online community of support for a variety of issues including depression
- Living Life to the Fullest (Scotland) - Includes an online course in cognitive and behavioural strategies for dealing with anxiety, mood difficulties, motivation and lot's of practical suggestions
- Depression, anger and neglect (USA) - Hilary Jacobs Hendel, article on blocked anger and depression
- The Looking Glass Foundation - BC resource; videos, summer camp, email questions
- Peer supports - all free: hand-in-hand: for 16 up, trained mentor support who are supervised; online support: focused online discussions, all ages, trained facilitators; individualized-support-service: private forum space with trained mentors, 14 up
- Eating Disorders Meal Support - Video on how family can be supportive around meals
- Building Body Acceptance (Australia) - workbook from Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Overcoming Eating Disorders (Australia) - 2 workbooks, information sheets and work sheets - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Association for Anorexia and Associated Eating Disorders (USA) - Community involvement, treatment locator, excellent video resource library
- Anorexics and Bulimics anonymous (Canada) - adapted from 12 steps of AA, meeting Saturdays in Victoria
- Eating Disorders anonymous (World Wide) - meetings in Victoria, Duncan, Nanaimo and Cumberland
- Food Addicts Anonymous (USA) - Program and support for compulsive overeating behaviours, meetings, literature, stories, information sessions, online magazine
- Jessies legacy (Canada) - Info on risk and protective factors, resources, toolkits, programs and articles
- National Eating Disorder Info (Canada) - Information, resources, library, Helpline, M-F, 1.866.633.4220 6am-6pm (PST)
- National Eating Disorders (USA) - Free 24h/7d crisis text line. Text NEDA to 741741; List of support groups
- Body Image A VIU Wellness resource
- Disordered Eating A VIU Wellness resource
- Mindful Eating Acceptance Affirmations A VIU Wellness resource
- Four Foundations of Eating Mindfully A VIU Wellness resource
- Body Positive (USA) - Body Positive - boosting body image at any weight
- Eating Disorder Recovery (USA) - Eating Disorder recover: Information and links
- Eating Recovery Center (USA) - comprehensive information on different types of disordered eating and resources
- Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society - Question and answer forum, information
- Cowichan Intercultural Society - welcome, mentoring, English, Training and workshops
See also Sexual Violence Prevention and Sexual Violence Recovery and Resources
- Ending Violence Association (Canada) - Provincial association to developing programs in communities in addressing violence. Many resources and information
- Let's get consensual - Great video from UVIC on what consent is, and what it is not with some statements on sexual violence
- Brene Brown - short video that captures essence of what empathy is (and isn't)
- Heart Math blog: the heart hears more than just words
- Mindfulness Everyday (Canada) - introduces what mindfulness is, links to various trainings and retreats in mindfulness training and stress reduction
- Stanford Med Centre for Compassion and Altruism (USA) - Research, compassion cultivation training, events, videos and blogs
- Mindful Education (USA) - Events, recommended books and CD's
- Brown U Contemplative Studies (USA) - Centre dedicated to focused attention in education. Offers a Major
- U of Mass Med Centre for Mindfulness (USA) - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programs, education, research, medical practice and common good affiliation
- Mindfulness in Education Network (USA)
- Mind Up (USA) - the Hawn Foundation. resources for bringing mindfulness to the classroom
- Atlas of Emotions - an interactive site to help teach emotional awareness and maintain calm
- How many emotions music can make us feel (USA) - article by Yasmin Anwar on neuroscience
- Does venting your feelings actually help? (USA) - Article by Jill Suttie in Greater good Science shows need for developing perspective
See Parenting or Couples / Relationships
- Financial Aid - VIU, scholarships, bursaries, awards , loans information
- Video on how to fill out profile for VIU sholarships, awards and bursaries
- Student Aid BC - this is where you apply for loans, one stop application for Canada student loans, bc loans, disability grants
- Positive Space - VIU alliance for creating community; workshops, FAQ's, myth busters, resources and much more
- VIU Positive Space Alliance - events, community
- Queer Straight Alliance - Residence discussion group
- Nanaimo Pride - Local community resource in Nanaimo
- Qmunity - Vancouver - Resources, events, Prideline
- 2 spirits (USA) - National Organization; information, resources, articles
- Trans Vancouver Island - Resource and Info site for Trans people and their allies
- Trans Lifeline (Canada) - Resources, support, and information
- Trans Care BC / Health Services Authority - peer support, surgery process, navigating care, health forms
- Canadian professional association for Transgender health
- American College Health (USA) - list of resources for education and advocacy
- A safe place to pee - Ted talk by Ivan Coyote on the importance and need for gender neutral bathrooms
- Gender-and-sexuality-galaxies (Canada) - educational resource, links for more resources
- Bereavement Helpline - connects you with resources for grieving in British Columbia
- Grief - useful information, lists of books, description of 5 stages of grief, how and how not to support someone
- Megan Divine, Patreon group video - how to support someone grieving
- BC Victims of Homicide - Offers groups, materials, videos, recommended reading, training and links (facebook page)
- Cowichan Hospice - support, info, companionship, library, video's, non-denominational spiritual care, palliative care
- Nanaimo Hospice - support, info, library, specific to teens, children, adults and elders, outreach, palliative care, some free counselling
- Oceanside Hospice - in Qualicum, serves surrounding area including Parksville
- Port Alberni Hospice - palliative support, library, spiritual care, counselling, support groups
- Mourner Bill of Rights - statement on things someone in grief may need to do to take care of their self
- Rainbows (Canada) - Grief support groups for children and youth impacted by loss, divorce, separation, etc offered in local schools and social support agencies
- Stephen Colber and Anderson Cooper - 2 men having an intimate and moving conversation on how loss impacted and changed them
- After Talk - Psychologist Dr. Neimeyer, questions and answers, articles
- VIU Diversity, Equity and Human Rights - If you are experiencing harassment
- Harassment Happens - VIU Resource sheet
- Woop My Life (USA)- Simple, practical and effective strategy to fulfill wishes and change habits. Known as mental contrasting with implementation intentions
- Berkeley U Health (USA) - Info on caring for all aspects of your health
- The Healthy Mind Platter/ Dr. Daniel Siegel (USA) - 7 essential daily tasks for healthy neural functioning
- Public Health Agency of Canada - Information and articles on health topics and diseases for all ages &special interest groups
- At Health (USA) - Comprehensive site providing information, links, and resources on all issues pertaining to mental health
- 23 and 1/2 Hours - Short video on how exercise improves most health issues including quality of life
- Dean Ornish on Healing through diet - Talk on healing through diet
- 2-1-1 BC Services by United Way - offers email, text and live chat with a 2-1-1 Navigator to help you find the services you need in BC
- Aids Vancouver Island - Information, resources and support
- Public Health Agency of Canada - Statistics and information on HIV / AIDs
- Mental Health, Wellness and Substance Use Supports - culturally-safe support service listings on the First Nations Health Authority website
- Whose land is it anyway? - free manual for teaching decolonization from federation of post secondary educators
- Video on how to talk to your kids about residential schools - Monique Gray Smith: short, helpful and positive with resources
- Wellness Streams - Info on being active, eating well, nurturing spirit and respecting tobacco
- Services for Aboriginal Students - VIU - Gathering Place, Elders, Support and Information
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission - video on importance of education in bringing reconciliation
- VIU First Nations - Programs and resources for aboriginal students at Vancouver Island University
- Talent Egg - Jobs and online resources to connect indigenous peoples and grads to rewarding careers
- The Witness Blanket - A national monument to recognize the atrocities of Indian Residential School in Canada
- Indspire - Bursaries and Scholarships for Indigenous students
- Career Exploration guide for Aboriginal People in BC - Work BC, steps to choosing a career, videos of inspiring stories
- Indigenous Hope for Wellness Helpline and Chat - available to all Indigenous peoples across Canada, additional supports and links can be found on the site as well.
- Infertility Awareness Association of Canada - Resources, stories, education to do with infertility
- What can we learn from COVID-19 - 5 minute video from Krystin Flyntz
- I am Me - Quote from Virginia Satir
- 12 Films that Highlight the best in Humanity - (USA)
- Wise Choices - Wisdom story
- How awe transforms the body and mind (USA) - 35 minute video, Lani Shiota, Greater Good Science Centre
- the Power of Introversion - Susan Cain, Ted Talk, on positive influences that result from introversion
- I Trust you - Karim Sulayma, Vimeo, on minority vulnerability and call out for expressions of trust
- Let's stop putting each other in boxes - Daniela Tolzman post on Facebook
- 10 inspiring moments from 2016 (USA)
- Inspiring moments from 2017 (USA)
- Inspiring moments from 2019 (USA)
- Top 10 insights from 2019 (USA) - greater good science
- Favourite books of 2020 (USA) - picks from the editors of Greater good science magazine
- 4-yr old explains new years resolutions - video
- What about Mr. Rogers? (USA) - Article on Mr. Rogers and how he touches us, Shea Tuttle
- Reactions to being called beautiful - video short
- how strangers touched peoples lives - 12 min. video
- A Sincere Compliment - 3 min. video, Jeremiah spreads kinds words at west high bros
- Training Resource for Studying Abroad - For North Americans studying worldwide
- - Canadian Sleep Society: clinical research, advocacy for care, information
- (USA) - articles, products, comprehensive website on sleep issues
- Guide to healthy sleep (USA) - What sleep is, how it works, benefits and sleep issues
- Sleep (Australia) - Info and worksheets - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Sleep - Topic Guide (USA) - Comprehensive discussion on sleep and insomnia
- Fatigue and Sleep - resources from HealthLink BC
- F.lux: free software - filters blue light out of your screen on your devices or computer
- How Mindfulness improves sleep (USA) - article form greater good science center on how mindfulness helps sleep
- Article on things to consider re sleep difficulties (USA) - Christine Carter, greater good science
- Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society - services to immigrants and visible minorities: support on immigration issues, finding work, workshops on dealing with racism, English classes and much more Legal Resources
- Family Law in BC - General information on family law, domestic violence, and some financial with links to free legal aid and publications.
- Legal Aid BC - We provide legal aid in BC and for those who qualify it can be free.
- Law, Crime and Justice - Govt of BC Resources
- The Minimalists (USA) - Live more meaningfully as opposed to living to acquire more; podcasts on many topics including finance
- The story of stuff (USA) - website dedicated to changing the rules that state having more in the economy for its own sake is not serving us well. Links economic and social issues with environmental problems. Various videos suggesting positive solutions
- Feeling Lonely Try This (USA) - from the association for comprehensive energy psychology some neuro-biologicial strateies to help with our need to be touched such as havening, etc
- Lean into Loneliness (Canada) - a poetic reflection on COVID lockdown
- Cure for Loneliness (USA) - Interview in Greater Good Science, US surgeon general Vivek Murphy discusses practical ways to deal with loneliness
- John Cacioppo - 15 minute video from Big Think, with impacts of loneliness and strategies for overcoming it
- Loneliness - video about this epidemic, causes, biological purpose of social pain, the problem of modern society and the impacts of loneliness on the body and mind
- Surviving Loneliness (USA) - blog on loneliness by Hilary Jacobs Hendel
- Article on Loneliness (Canada) - National Post; reflects on how it generates protectiveness and negatively impacts health & touches on use of experimental drugs
- About-Face (USA) - Media education to promote positive self-esteem in girls and women
- Do Something (USA) - Chatrooms and info on topics to promote activism
- Media Watch - Challenging racism, sexism and violence through education and activism
- Vancouver Island Men's Therapy Centre Society - Located in Victoria
- Mankind Project (USA) - Male Community, groups and events for men; helping you to be who you really are
- Good Men Project (USA) - Dr. Stephen Lake, a variety of resources, books, and blogs about men's issues
- Jeremy Loveday, masks off challenge - Poet offers heartfelt challenge to address women with respect
- The Armour of Masculinity Reviewed - Shane Horsbourgh, ted talk 18 minutes
- Anti Violence Project: Mens' Circle (Canada) - free group that runs at UVIC regularly for those wishing to stand up against violence
- Anti Violence Project Workshops (Canada) - free public workshops at UVIC on bystander interventions, supporting assault survivors, consent and more
- On Being: Tony Liu (USA) - blog on how tenderness is an antidote for toxic masculinity
- How to raise boys who are in touch with their feelings (USA) - article in greater good science review book by Michael Reichart
- How to decode your aloof teen boy? (USA) - Interview with pediatrician on issues raising boys
- Men Choose Respect - CWAV (Canada) - support for men who want to end violence they may have toward their partners through the Cowichan Women Against Violence Society
- TheMensCentre - In Nanaimo, this resource helps support men through family, divorce issues, counselling, life coaching, workshops on dealing with anger, practical resources for work
- Beyond-blame - Nanaimo Family Life. 18 hr program on helping move beyond violence & anger; other counselling as well.
- Here2Talk - 24/7 free and confidential mental health counselling and referral services for BC post-secondary students (works best using Google Chrome web browser)
- Emotional Pain is not a Sickness - VIU Resource
- Partners in Mental Health and Addictions (Canada) - Stories and resources about and for people with addictions and mental health issues. Contains discussion forums and screening tests
- Here to help; screening self tests (Canada) - A variety of screening test including depression and anxiety
- Jack - Young leaders in Canada who want to speak about Mental Health to students
- Be There (Canada) - Helping you support someone who may be struggling with their mental health
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Let's stop putting each other in boxes - Daniela Tolzman Facebook post
- 10 Simple Ways to Save Yourself - VIU Resource
- Mental Health is Health - Worldwide find a helpline
- Breathr (Canada) - Kelty MH - free apps with refreshing meditations, video introducing mindfulness, guided meditations on many topics, including body scans, mindful eating, coping, etc
- Healthy Minds App (Canada) - free apps on problem solving to help cope with stress
- Health Line (USA) - article that evaluates and describes meditation app's
- The Wheel of Awareness (USA) - Dr. Daniel Siegel, Guided Meditation to enhance neural functioning
- Guided Audio Mindfulness Meditations (USA) - From U of C San Diego Centre for Mindfulness
- Guided Mindfulness Meditations (USA) - UCLA mindfulness awareness research centre; breathing (play) (mp3 download) 12 minute Breath, Sound, Body Meditation (play) (mp3 download) 19 minute Complete Meditation Instructions (play) (mp3 download) 7 minute Meditation for Working with Difficulties (play) (mp3 download) 9:30 minute Loving Kindness Meditation (play) (mp3 download) 3 minute short Body and Sound meditation (play) > mp3 download 3 minute short Loving Kindness meditation (play) All meditations by MARC's Director for Mindfulness Education, Diana Winston
- Compassionate Curiosity, Gratitude Break , Compassionate Body Scan , Self Compassion Break - VIU Resources
- Loving kindness Meditation - guided meditation on bringing love to self and to others, VIU Resources
- Nanaimo Meditation Groups - List of groups that meet in Nanaimo. Way to learn and connect with others
- Palouse Mindfulness (USA) - Free Mindfulness based stress reduction course, and other mindfulness resources
- Shahaja Yoga Meditation Free online course - This approach has a particular focus on body mind connection. It uses touch on the body to access a variety of emotions that you may be feeling. It also has research on its efficacy
- Greater Good Science Centre (USA) - Berkeley; Dedicated to building happiness and positivity; Videos on practices to develop these in different areas
- Dr. Daniel Siegel (USA) - Audio video presentations on mindsight, breath awareness, healthy mind platter
- Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn (USA)
- Mind and Life Institute (USA)
- Nanaimo Area Food Services
- Fetch BC - Listing of 500 community agencies in Nanaimo, including food and housing
- Surviving Nanaimo Guide - a guide to local services and agencies
- Pandemic and the impact on children (USA) - article by Diana Divecha reviewing literature on impacts of disasters and such
- Working Parents are Angry but what can we do? (USA) - Yael Schonbrun and Elizabeth Corey connect to the bigger picture
- Six ways nature helps children learn (USA) - article from greater good science
- How to teach siblings to resolve their own arguments (USA) - article on potential benefits and cons in sibling conflict
- (Canada) - Dedicated to supporting moms with self-compassion and managing overwhelm
- Dads and Daughters (USA) - Resources and articles to improve father/daughter parenting – addresses many taboo topics
- How to decode your aloof teen boy? (USA) - Interview with pediatrician on issues raising boys
- When do teens feel loved by their parents? (USA) - article by Maryam Abdullah
- Girls Inc. (USA) - Dedicated to helping girls be strong, smart, and bold; addresses societal messages about value and potential
- Six ways to help girls become strong women in a sexist world (USA) - Jill Suttie article on book "Girls under Pressure" by Lisa Damour
- How Co-sleeping Can Help you and your Baby (USA) - article by Diana Divecha
- When are kids old enough to talk about racism? (USA) - Dr. Riana Elyse video on greater good science
- Antiracist resources from greater good (USA) - Videos, articles on many topics regarding racism and how to bring change including many on parenting
- Video on how to talk to your kids about residential schools - Monique Gray Smith: short, helpful and positive with resources
- Perfectionism in Perspective (Australia) - 9 training modules on working through perfectionism
- 16 Personalities - Free online test with information on your personality type, based on Carl Jung's typology popularized through Myer's Briggs
- Holland Code Career Test - free online test based on Holland's career codes. Places you in 1 of 6 career fields. Useful for questions on career interest
- VIA character strengths - free 15 minute survey. Focuses on positive and with much useful information
- Greater Good Science Centre (USA) - Berkeley; Dedicated to building happiness and positivity; Videos on practices to develop these in different areas
- Your Skillful Means (USA) - Tools for psychological and spiritual growth
- Dr. Marty Seligman (USA) - Positive psychology at University of Pennsylvania; assessments on strengths and positive attributes, articles on positive psychology
- BBC News- Happiness Formula - Qualitative research article on how people define happiness
- Cinema Therapy - Links topics of interest with Movies
- Overcoming Procrastination - VIU resource sheet
- Put off Procrastination (Australia) - 7 training modules workbook, Info and Additional worksheets - Centre for Clinical interventions
- (USA) - comprehensive analysis of possible issues underlying procrastination
- 3 steps on Procrastination - short video by Well Cast with helpful suggestions for getting things done
- Because your Mind Matter (Canada) - Facts and myths, early psychosis programs, videos
- Early Psychosis (Canada) - Information, resources, downloads, toolkits, apps
- Understanding Psychosis and finding help (Canada) - Can Mental Health Association, resources, info, symptoms, etc.
- Learnings from the most peaceful societies (USA) - article by Coleman and Fry, 2021
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Video on importance of education in bringing reconciliation Message from our youth
- Whose land is it anyway? (Canada) - free manual for teaching decolonization from federation of post secondary educators
- Video on how to talk to your kids about residential schools - Monique Gray Smith: short, helpful and positive with resources
- Indigenous Cultural Safety (Canada) - Online training from Provincial Health Authority
- Gabrielle Scrimshaw - 13 minute Ted Talk on building a better future for aboriginal youth in Canada
- Antiracist resources from greater good (USA) - Videos, articles on many topics regarding racism and how to bring change
- Micro Aggressions (USA) - NY Times article on Student experiences of racially directed slurs
- 1970 Teacher gives kids experiential lesson on Racism - Video on class is divided into blue and brown eyes taking turns as superior groups
- Islamophobia Guidebook - from the charter for compassion, greater good science centre
- What makes a workplace diversity program successful? (USA) - article by Lisa Leslie on what does and doesn't work
- How challenging stereotypes can save black lives (USA) - article on how to change stereotypes that guide prejudice
See Couples
- Guided Imagery and Relaxation: Mind Body Lab UTexas (USA) - Guided imagery and relaxation
- The Wheel of Awareness (USA) - Dr. Daniel Siegel; Guided Meditation to enhance neural functioning
- Relaxing Video with music - video of stunning landscapes with relaxing music 8 mins.
- 3.5 minute guided meditation - Combined meditation and condensed muscle relaxation
- Progressive Muscles Relaxation - VIU Resources
- Bruce Muzik on Secrets - Ted talk on personal and relational impacts of secrecy
- Ted Talk: Thordis Elva and Tom Strange - story of rape and reconciliation
- Self-Esteem (Australia) - 9 module workbook, info and additional worksheets - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Self-Compassion (Australia) - 7 module workbook - Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Woop My Life - Simple, practical and effective strategy to fulfill wishes and change habits. Known as mental contrasting with implementation intention
- Lucy Hone; 3 habits of resilient people - 15 minute ted talk on what gets us through the hard stuff
- Gender and Sex Galaxies - Terms and Definitions, also suggested activities for educators bring up issues
- Options for Sexual health - birth control, pregnancy options. 250.753.9511, 204-285 Prideaux street
- Sexualized Violence Support at VIU - Know More Campaign, Policy and Procedure, multiple resources, trauma informed approach; if you have been sexually assaulted there are many ways we can support you while you remain in control of the process. Counselling is available as well.
- Ending Violence Association of BC - Education, publications, articles, workshops, support, preventions programs and trainings. Many resources
- The Anti-Violence Project - From UVic, many resources: library, blogs, etc. Also will help facilitate training in anti-violence measures
- West Coast Leaf - Legal society dedicating to changing the law to support women's and other minorities, rights and freedoms
- International Directory of Domestic Violence - list of publications / information on all types of violence in many languages for many age groups
- National Centre for violence Resources (USA) - wealth of resources and training. It is US so legal issues may be different from Canada
- Join One Love (USA) - organization dedicated to promoting health and helping us learn about love. Offers signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships
- Media Watch - Challenging racism, sexism and violence through education and activism
- Let's get consensual - Video from UVIC on what consent is, and what it is not with some statements on sexual violence
- Consent for Tea - video on obtaining consent to have tea with someone
- Ted Talk: Thordis Elva and Tom Strange - story of rape and reconciliation
- Why women need fierce self compassion (USA) - article by Dr. Kristin Neff on application of Yin and Yang forms of self compassion
- Health Line (USA) - extensive list of potential signs of mental and emotional abuse
- Fact sheet on obtaining a peace bond/protection order (Canada) - Victim's rights in Canada
- Sexual Violence Support at VIU - Know More Campaign, Policy and Procedure, multiple resources, trauma informed approach; if you have been sexually assaulted there are many ways we can support you while you remain in control of the process. Counselling is available as well
- BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse - Individual and group therapy and victim services for survivors of sexual abuse
- Victim Link BC - 24/7 confidential, multilingual telephone service to help you find the best resources for emotional or practical support
- North Island Survivors Healing Society - non-profit agency providing counselling for sexual abuse survivors - subsidies available
- - myths and facts about abuse of males, online support group, info on groups, trainings and events
- Sexual Violence Support at VIU - Know More Campaign, Policy and Procedure, multiple resources, trauma informed approach; if you have been sexually assaulted there are many ways we can support you while you remain in control of the process. Counselling is available as well
- Cowichan Women against Violence - Counselling and groups for all forms of past or current violence, womens' transition homes, victim services and much more
- Haven Society: Nanaimo area resource for women - Counselling, transition homes, victim services, children's counselling
- Victim Link BC - 24/7 confidential, multilingual telephone service to help you find the best resources for emotional or practical support
- Let's get consensual - Video from UVIC on what consent is, and what it is not with some statements on sexual violence
- Consent for Tea - video on obtaining consent to have tea with someone
- Why women need fierce self compassion (USA) - article by Dr. Kristin Neff on application of Yin and Yang forms of self compassion
- Brene Brown - Ted talk on shame - differences in men and women - importance of empathy to healing
- Self help for nightmares: Learn how to manage and change nightmares from an expert, Dr. Leslie Ellis
- The Neuroscience of Sleep - article/ interview with sleep expert, Matth Walker
- Five ways sleep is good for your relationships - article by Jill Suttie
- Why your brain needs to dream - article by Jill Suttie
- Learning Matters -VIU comprehensive resources and links on strategies for studying and learning
- Teen Mental Health transitions (Canada) - to University, from learning to mental health; free download
- Goodwill Community Foundation - "Learn Free" (USA) - Free tutorials in Technology, math, English, ESL, other languages, everyday life skills, podcasts, labs, also has educator resources. Fantastic resource
- Choices of Successful Students; 10 Effective Study Habits - VIU Resource
- Your Learning Style; Learning Styles Questionnaire - Free, online auditory, visual, kinesthetic, VIU Resource
- Why you never seem to have enough time? (USA) - Kira Newman, article on how values and attitude impact experience of time
- Rocks, pebbles and sand - Short video on how to prioritize
- Avoid Homework - VIU resource sheet
- Course Assignment Tracking Worksheet - VIU Resource
- Memory Improvement (England) - Comprehensive website on memory
- Mind Mapping basics - Susan Gregor, video; the Power of the Mind to Map - Tony Buzan, TedTalk
- Overcoming Procrastination - VIU resource sheet
- Reading Difficult Material - VIU Resource sheet
- Test-preparation (Canada) - For many academic disciplines, college entrance, Accuplacer, and many professions
- Metacognition - video, Paul Anderson, 10-tips about increasing comprehension
- Study Less, Study Smart - video, Marty Lodbell, classic 60 minute lecture on study skills
- 6 minute summary of above lecture - video on Marty Lodbell's lecture, college info geek
- Metacognition - Developing a mindset for successful learning - video, Stephen Chew, Stanford U; Metacognition Pt. 1 of 5 - How we fail or succeed; - Pt. 2 How we learn; Pt. 3 Cognitive Principles for optimizing learning; Pt. 4 Putting principles for learning into practice; Pt. 5 I blew that exam, now what?
- What top students do differently - Douglas Barton, Ted talk
- VIU Education Abroad - Information for VIU Students wanting to study abroad
- Vancouver Island Crisis Society - 24 hr call line, Chat or text - updated Community Resource Database
- Kuu'us Crisis Line - 1.800.588.8717 from the Nuu-chah-nulth peoples offers crisis support and culture, support groups, housing registry for indigenous peoples
- Safe conversations about suicide on social media - concise guidelines from Mental health commission of Canada
- The JED foundation (USA) - dedicated to prevention of suicide on campuses that you can achieve well being
- Toolkit for those who have attempted Suicide - mental health commission of Canada
- Toolkit for those who have lost someone to Suicide - mental health commission of Canada
- suicide info - Canadian site with trainings, resources, lists of contact information across Canada, subscription library
- American association on Suicidology (USA) - Resources, training, information
- Safer Conversations on Social Media - Tips about how to talk online about suicide
- (USA) - great resources, support, also for teens, practical support in the aftermath of suicide, info on various aspects of suicide & MH issues,
See Anxiety and Stress for more relaxation exercises and visualizations, also see Mindfulness Meditations and Sexual Abuse Recovery for more useful information and counselling agencies that support trauma
- Island Community Counselling - Non-profit here in Nanaimo, that offers free trauma support group that does require individual therapy as well. Also offers free DBT support group. Many other services that do have fees.
- Grounding Techniques- a variety of techniques that can be used to help tolerate overwhelming emotions - VIU Resource
- More Grounding Techniques: Crisis Survival strategies, the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 exercise, Compassionate Curiosity, Gratitude Break , Compassionate Body Scan , Difficult Emotions, 5 Finger check-in - VIU Resources
- Safe Place Visualization - this is a good script. Safe Place Visualization - video created by Family Guiding 1
- Body focused meditation for Emotional Processing (USA) - From Sharon Stanley, using the wisdom of the body for processing emotions
- Trauma Centre Justice Resource Inst. (USA) - Training, pubs, research, resources for 1st responders, families and Dr.s,
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (USA) - Therapy for treatment of trauma and anxiety, stories
- Allan Schore - Researcher of research, 17 videos training in Trauma
- Besel Vanderkolk (USA) - researcher, promotion of body psychotherapies, yoga, EMDR, experiential psychodrama
- Janina Fisher (USA) - for survivors and therapists, webinars, resources, recommended books, articles, links and videos
- Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (USA) - Pat Ogden, body psychotherapy, articles, training, therapist listings, books
- Somatic Transformation (USA) - using neuroscience and ancient wisdom for the body to heal trauma; training and blogs
- Trauma Healing (USA) - Somatic Experiencing, Peter Levine: body approaches to healing trauma
- Volunteer Nanaimo - Nanaimo Volunteer Society; refers volunteers to and provides a variety of services to non-profit agencies in the Nanaimo area
- Women's Health Collective Canada
- Canadian Women & Sport - (previously Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport and Physical Activity)
- Foundry BC - virtual counselling services for youth 12-24: voice, video or chat
- Therapy Tribe Support (USA) - online community of support for a variety of groups including teens
- Aged Out - Website from People who were in Care or who supported youth to support youth as they age out of care
- VIU Tuition Fee Waiver - for former Youth in Care