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Counselling Practicum Opportunities

Owl sitting on tree branch keeping watch

Counselling Practicums for Masters-Level Students

Our practicum program is now full for the 2024-2025 academic year! Thank you for your interest.  

If you are an advanced graduate Counselling Psychology or Clinical Social Work student seeking counselling and supervision hours as part your degree requirements, we invite your application for a Sept 2025 start. We are committed to providing a supportive and high quality supervision experience as well as diverse opportunities to develop as a competent and ethical counselling professional.

The supervisors will be masters-level counsellors with 5+ years of counselling experience and certification with a professional association or college (eg. CCPA, BCACC, BCCSW).


Counselling at Vancouver Island University involves being part of a team of dedicated professionals working together and individually to promote the personal and academic success of a diverse student body. Programs at VIU include academic and career preparation (Adult Basic Education); English as an additional language; a variety of trades; undergraduate academic programs; and graduate level academic programs. We offer a range of support services for VIU students, including individual and group therapy, psycho-educational seminars, and other programs to support students' mental health and well-being. 

Practicum student activities include:

  • Individual Counselling (5-9 hrs/week): Individual counselling will be with our diverse population of VIU students. 
  • Supervision (1-2 hrs/wk): Supervision will involve review of videotape together and discussion of the content, process and associated questions, as well as your growth and learning as a counsellor. Possibilities of direct observation of counselling and co-counselling, may also be discussed. The practicum student will likely have the opportunity to work with two supervisors during their time at VIU. 
  • Video-recording: Recording counselling sessions and reviewing video in preparation for supervision is expected. 
  • Documentation: All counselling sessions are required to be recorded on our database.
  • Group counselling: Group facilitation experience may be possible, but is not guaranteed. 
  • Team meetings: Practicum students may be invited to join weekly meetings (1.75 hrs) if attendance fits with the agreed upon schedule.
  • Case consultation: Consultation with the VIU Nurse Practitioners and Counselling Team (1 hr). 
  • Campus wellness events: Participation in other events and programs as fits with the practicum student’s schedule is encouraged, eg. wellness fair, mental health screenings, orientations.
  • Evaluation will be offered based on the requirements of the practicum students' programs.
  • Orientation and additional training: Training on documentation, risk assessment, and crisis response specific to our institution will be provided. Students will also have the opportunity to meet with team members other than their direct supervisor to learn about different approaches and areas of expertise (eg. working with trauma, Hakomi, AEDP, EMDR, CBT, MBSR, Indigenous perspectives, working with international students, etc.)


Practicum students are graduate students enrolled in a Master of Arts or Master of Education degree in Counselling Psychology, a Clinical Social Work degree, or a related program at a recognized university. Applicants must have counselling-related experience through an initial psychotherapy/counselling practicum or work experience. Applicants will be asked to commit to the full 8-month practicum period (Sept-Apr) for 3 days/week. 

It is expected that you have permission from your graduate program to apply. We ask that the practicum requirements from your program be shared with us in order to ensure mutual fit.

Application Process

Only those candidates who submit a complete application package will be considered.

To be considered for a position in our program please send a clearly labelled single document file to Pract.Opps@viu.ca by March 30, 2025 including:

  1. A formal cover letter stating your particular interest in applying for a placement at Vancouver Island University
  2. A current resume listing your counselling and related experience, both volunteer and professional
  3. A copy of your unofficial transcript identifying your coursework completed to date
  4. A list of contact information for 3 references including:
  • One academic reference from a recent instructor in your Masters program
  • One professional reference from a colleague or former co-worker
  • One personal reference from a person familiar with your personal values and goal

5. If you are shortlisted for a placement, you will need to supply us with a current B.C. Criminal Record Check

We will follow up with all applicants and short-listed candidates will be notified of their interview date and time.

Please note: Given the high level of interest from practicum applicants, and our priority of supporting current VIU students, we are unable to offer informational interviews prior to the interview process. Interviews for short-listed candidates will offer an opportunity to learn more about our team and our services at VIU.

Thanks again for your interest! Please direct any further questions to Pract.Opps@viu.ca.