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Community Partners

Graphic Design Internship

Benefits of Hiring a VIU Student

It is generally recognized that students benefit from internships, but what are the benefits to the Community Partners?

VIU students contribute in a variety of ways;

  • They are an ideal source of employees to fill seasonal requirements, staff leaves or for short-term projects.
  • They can often bring a unique skill set, interest and perceptive to a project that may not be evident in current employees.
  • They can alleviate future recruitment challenges, reducing potential hiring, on-boarding and training costs.
  • They can facilitate a bridge between the Community Partner and VIU, and subsequently the Partner in Learning can offer valuable feedback regarding course curricula and content.
  • They provide a Partner in Learning, the opportunity to mentor a bright and enthusiastic student, and potentially take part in the training of a future colleague.
  • They bring fresh and enthusiastic ideas to the organization and can positively influence staff morale.
  • Community Partners can improve their community image and therefore increasing and improving the organizations profile with the public.

Adapted from: The Canadian Association for Co-operative Education (2016) and Work Experience: What’s in it for Employers? (2010).

Posting a Position

If you are interested in becoming a Community Partner, The Centre of Experiential Learning and our students would love to hear from you. Please contact the Internship Coordinator to discuss how you can host a student Intern, or go straight to the CareerVIU Work-Integrated Learning portal and click 'Partner in Learning'.