What is the Light Up Parade?
Fun@VIU leads VIU's participation in the Ladysmith Light Up Parade each year as well as the Nanaimo Santa Claus Parade. Together with VIU Residences, The VIU Mariners, VIU's Cowichan Campus, and many other organizations at VIU, Fun@VIU coordinates the 300+ participants who represent VIU each and every year at what is known as "Light It Up, VIU!".

Holiday Float
Our holiday float follows a different theme every year. This is the place where any student can join us, help build the floats, and walk in the parade with us!

Mariners Float
Over 150 Mariners walk in the parade with Fun@VIU each year. All athletic teams are welcome and the community gathers to celebrate the accomplishments of our athletes.

Residence Float
VIU Residence takes on our main float each year where Who-Ville comes to life! Meet the Grinch, take a photo with him, and listen along to holiday music.
Heritage Parade Award
VIU was awarded with the #1 Float at the 2018 Heritage Days Parade event. Over 250 students participated!